Accreditation SIG | 19th September 2024 | Virtual

Accreditation SIG Logo
Join us at the next Accreditation SIG of 2024: The Accreditation Life Cycle This event is free to all PARN members.  If you're a non-member and would like to join, please contact us.

Theme: The Accreditation Life Cycle

This SIG meeting aims to bring us back to our routes and explore the purposes and powers of an accreditation service/programme. 
The event will provide an overview of several professional bodies' accreditation cycles- from establishing the schemes, the need for constant consideration, the challenges that may arise, and how to deal with them, as well as maintaining third-party relations.
Speakers will expose why their organisation arranged an accreditation scheme, how it has helped their sector. 
Speakers from the Steering Group:
Laura Stirling- British Veterinary Association
Jan Lonnen- Association of Project Management 
Kim Smith- Royal Society of Chemistry

The Accreditation SIG is free to attend for all Members of PARN.

9/19/2024 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
GMT Daylight Time
Sign in or create an account to register Registration ends 9/18/2024 2:00 PM
GMT Daylight Time