How Can We Help Your Strategy?



We use our unique knowledge base to determine and promote good practice in the professional body sector.
Develop your professional body with our support, whether you're establishing your organisation or putting together your strategic plan.

We also review your existing strategies and help you to benchmark your organisation against the sector.

View Our Strategy Services

Foundation Documents Review
Foundation Documents Review

We determine whether your foundation documents are still fit for purpose and whether they reflect the current aims of your professional body.

We help you balance your aims between the benefit to your members, clients of members and the general public.

We guide you on the implications of changing your objectives, how long the process takes and who needs to be consulted.  



Foundation Documents Review
Strategic Planning

With our support, develop your strategic plan.

Arming you with the tools and techniques you need and helping you generate strategic options, we also bring unique knowledge and learning from the professional body sector. We help you work through your strategic options and plan your implementation, as well as providing support along the way. 

Foundation Documents Review

Financial Strategy & Metrics

We provide your organisation and key finance employees with comprehensive financial benchmarking information. Using our unique mix of sector knowledge, financial benchmarking data and experience of working with other professional bodies, we support your financial strategy.

We help you with key financial decisions, such as pricing subscription fees, member services and services to others. 

Foundation Documents Review

Whether it be focusing on just one part of your organisation like CPD, or a full assessment tailored to your needs, we help you identify opportunities for improvement, establish priorities for change, benchmark your organisation and work with you to create an implementation plan.

We focus our assessment on your specific requirements and current situation.