The latest Financial Benchmarking Report is available now!

Click here to log into the Members Area to access the report for free, or head over to the shop to purchase your own copy by clicking here.



About the Reports

Each year, we research and compile our Financial Benchmarking Report (FBR) for Professional Bodies. It offers a unique opportunity to benchmark your organisations performance against the sector. Ideal to be used to assist with planning, evaluating and directing your organisation's financial activities now and in the future which can be important when trying to improve performance.

Collecting the Data

Our financial benchmarking reports are based on data from over 500 professional bodies in the UK. They are compiled from professional bodies’ annual reports/reviews and financial statements, available from their websites, the Charity Commission or Companies House.

Customised Reports

Want to understand how your organisation measures up to others in the sector? We can create a customised report for your organisation with prices starting at £150 for our members.

For more information about getting a customised report, contact Natasha Afitska, our Senior Researcher.

Previous Reports

Reports are available for free in the Members Area (log-in here).

For non-members, they are available for purchase through the shop (click the report you would like to purchase below).