As a membership organisation, we believe our members should influence our direction.

Therefore, the Steering Group is made up of a representative sample of our members. Their guidance on matters of our policy and programmes is invaluable. The role of the Steering Group is to monitor progress and offer advice to ensure that we continue to meet our mission, aims and objectives.

Members of the Steering Group may serve for up to three years, and can rejoin after a period of one year. Any staff from a PARN member organisation may volunteer to sit on the Steering Group. The group meets twice a year.


Steering Group Members


Cristian Holmes
Director of Marketing, Communications and Membership
British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy
Helen Perkins
Head of Governance Communications
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
Sarah Beacock
Nuclear Institute
Leonie Milliner
Association for Nutrition

Richard Bennett
Assistant Director (Membership & CPD)
Chartered Institute for Securities &

Tom Grinyer
Royal College of Anaesthetists

Kelvin Reynolds
Director of Corporate & Public Affairs
British Parking Association

Pearl Mensah
Director of Membership and
Professional Standards
Royal Aeronautical Institute