Celebrating the Remarkable Career of Peter Hinton

In celebration of his retirement, PARN wishes to extend it’s sincere thanks to Peter Hinton, CEO of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists. 

 Peter has made an exceptional contribution to the wider PARN network over the years. He has chaired PARN Conferences, Sat on the PARN Steering Committee, written articles for the PARN Sector Review and has been a steering group member of our CEO Forum.

 PARN is always indebted to the wonderful work of those who give up their time to help support our activities and Peter has always been the first to share his experiences and thoughts with the professional body sector delivering thoughtful insights with real passion, interest and wit. 

 Andy Friedman, CEO of the Professional Associations Research Network said "I remember from the earliest PARN conferences we asked if participants would join us for a drink at the end of the meetings. Peter was always there with very helpful reactions to the speakers and the way the conference was organised. Sometimes he was the only one there chatting with PARN staff."

 "On behalf of myself and all PARN Staff I wish to say - Thank you Peter. Hopefully we will keep in touch. And we wish you all the best in retirement!"

Transition to CIfA and Long-term Commitment

In 1997, Peter joined the Institute for Archaeologists (IfA), now known as the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA), marking the beginning of a significant chapter in his career. However, Peter’s connection with CIfA dates back even further to 1987, reflecting over three decades of unwavering commitment. At CIfA, Peter has been a cornerstone in shaping professional strategy, ethics, historic environment policy, and external relations.

A Leader in Professional Standards

Peter’s leadership as CEO of CIfA has been marked by a steadfast dedication to promoting high professional standards and ethical practices in archaeology. His visionary approach has ensured that archaeology not only preserves the past but also enriches our understanding of it, making it relevant to contemporary society. Through his efforts, CIfA has become a beacon of professional excellence, guiding archaeologists in their vital work.

Recognitions and Fellowships

Peter’s exceptional contributions have been recognised through several prestigious fellowships. He was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries (FSA) on October 10, 2003, and is also a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland and the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA). These honours underscore his significant impact and respected standing within the archaeological and academic communities.

Engagement with Professional Networks

Peter’s influence extends beyond CIfA through his active involvement with professional networks and his participation in conferences and forums, especially the CEO Forum at PARN, has been invaluable. Through his commitment and dedication to contributing to research by completing numerous Professional Body Benchmarking Surveys (PBBS) and Ask The Network (ATN) surveys, Peter’s insights and collaborative spirit have contributed significantly to the development of professional standards across various sectors.

A Personal Touch and Lasting Impact

Colleagues and peers frequently commend Peter for his approachable nature and genuine willingness to engage in meaningful conversations. Whether providing insightful feedback at conferences or simply sharing a drink and a chat, Peter’s personal touch has made a lasting impression. His dedication goes beyond professional obligations, reflecting a true passion for advancing archaeology and fostering professional growth.

A Legacy to Celebrate

As Peter Hinton retires, we celebrate not only his remarkable career but also the legacy he leaves behind. His leadership at CIfA, contributions to MOLA, and active engagement with PARN have shaped the landscape of professional archaeology and set a high standard for others to follow. Peter's work has ensured that archaeology remains a vital and dynamic field, contributing to our understanding of human history and its impact on the present.


As we bid farewell to Peter in his professional capacity, we extend our deepest gratitude for his countless contributions and unwavering dedication. His legacy will continue to inspire and guide the field of archaeology and professional standards. Peter, thank you for your invaluable service, and we wish you all the best in your well-deserved retirement. May this new chapter bring you joy and fulfilment, from all of us here at the PARN Global Team.